UK Nationwide Professional Snagging Inspections | Getting the Quality You Deserve

Thermal Imaging in New Build Homes

Redrow homes site today in Royston in Cambridge

The sun’s shining …but my word is it cold outside …and there’s a gale blowing

Today’s blog is all about thermal imaging in new build homes and what a useful tool it can be in identifying issues in even the best built homes

The picture below shows a section of ceiling in a 3 bedroom house I was inspecting today …the same cold areas seen in the thermograph can be seen on all for sides of the house ( no gables ) hipped all the way round

Thermal image snagging

The photos shows cold air ingress at this point around the house …and we will be including this and other images in our snagging report on this property

We operate a thermal “lite” inspection which checks the most common areas of heat losses in a new home …..a full thermal inspection may be recommended depending on our findings

Why is thermal imaging so important now ?

Well the answer is that the technology has become more affordable for inspectors to use and the cost of energy is rapidly increasing in the UK ….which makes energy efficiency important ….as well as increasing overall comfort levels in the home

no one wants to sit in room with drafts to windows or a kitchen with cold coming from the kickboards or in bed with a cold floor

What causes the problems we find with thermal imaging ?

There are many causes but the usual ones are poor detailing at joints , lack of insulation or no insulation , insulation that’s been moved or compromised in situ , wet insulation , compressed insulation in lofts

