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The floors are creaking and bouncing in my new build house, is this normal?

Discovering creaking and bouncing floors in your new build home can understandably cause concern. It’s a common issue, yet it signals underlying problems that merit attention. This guide looks into the causes of these floor issues and outlines effective solutions, blending expertise with practical advice to ensure your home remains a sanctuary of comfort and safety.

Understanding the Root of the Problem

The unsettling sounds and sensations of creaking and bouncing floors in new builds can stem from a variety of factors. These issues often trace back to the quality of construction, ranging from the use of subpar materials to inadequate support structures, or even the natural settling process of the house foundation. Pinpointing the exact cause is the first step towards a lasting solution.

Identifying and Addressing the Issue

The journey to rectify these concerns begins with a detailed investigation of your home. By systematically walking through each room, you can identify which areas of the floor are prone to creaking or feel less stable underfoot. Using a level can also help in assessing whether the floors are evenly laid out, revealing any subtle dips or rises that might contribute to the problem.

Sub-flooring plays a pivotal role in the structural integrity of your floors. If the sub-flooring is improperly installed or if it’s too thin, it could lead to noticeable creaking and deflection. Inspecting the subfloor for signs of damage, such as warping or gaps, is crucial. Similarly, the joists—responsible for supporting both the subfloor and the weight of the house—must be scrutinised. Incorrectly installed or inadequately sized joists can compromise floor stability, leading to the issues at hand.

For more severe problems, the expertise of a professional contractor may be required. Depending on the root cause, solutions could range from reinforcing the sub-flooring, replacing joists, or undertaking other structural adjustments. In cases where the deflection and creaking are less severe, introducing carpets or rugs can serve as a temporary fix, muffling the noise and providing a sense of stability underfoot.

Should your home still be under warranty, it’s advisable to reach out to the builder. Many builders are prepared to address such issues as part of their after-sales support, potentially offering repairs at no additional cost to you.

When Builders Fall Short

In instances where the builder is unresponsive or unwilling to rectify the flooring issues, you’re not left without recourse. Hiring a professional inspector, such as ourselves, can provide you with an impartial assessment of the problem. An inspector’s detailed report not only outlines the severity of the issue and its causes but also specifies the repairs needed, serving as a powerful tool in negotiations with the builder.

Legal advice becomes a valuable next step if the builder remains intransigent. A construction attorney can illuminate your rights and possible claims for breach of contract or defective construction, guiding you through negotiations or legal actions if necessary.

Another avenue involves contacting your local building authority. This body enforces building codes and standards, and filing a complaint can trigger an investigation into your builder’s practices. In some cases, the authority can compel the builder to undertake necessary repairs and may even levy fines for non-compliance.

Forming or joining a homeowner’s association with fellow residents who are facing similar issues can amplify your collective voice. There’s strength in numbers, and a united front can exert significant pressure on builders to address and resolve common problems more efficiently.

Throughout this process, meticulous documentation is essential. Keeping a comprehensive record of all communications, photographic evidence of the issues, and any related expenses will bolster your position, whether in legal proceedings or dealings with building authorities.

For an in-depth exploration of creaking floors in new builds and additional guidance on addressing this issue, our Creaking Floors and Bouncy Floors knowledge base articles offer a wealth of information. They are designed to arm you with the knowledge and tools needed to ensure your new home lives up to its promise of quality and comfort.
